T: 01359 342 538 M: 07377 153 954
T: 01359 342 538 M: 07377 153 954
If you have a specific question regarding Battery Storage, why not contact us via our Advice Services Page, alternatively email or call Tel: 07377 153 954
Solar batteries can be worth it if you want energy independence, backup power, or to maximise self-consumption of solar energy.
The answer is Yes you can. At Lectec Ltd we can assist you with the best way forward to help you get the most from your existing system and the addition of Batteries to store the Energy generated by your Solar Panels.
As Battery Storage will take up excess energy, to be used at a later time, this should reduce your need for grid supply, thus assisting in reducing your bills
As Battery Storage will take up excess generation, to be used at a later time, this should reduce your need for grid supply, thus assisting in reducing your bills
Most Battery Manufacturers offer a 10 year Warranty, however, this is not necessarily the full lifespan of the Batteries, and Batteries can last longer. At Lectec Ltd we can help you choose the right battery for your system.
No. You can also charge a home battery using electricity you buy from the grid. This will then result in the stored energy being used at peak times.
Choosing the right battery storage system for your needs can be a complex decision, but our team at Lectec Ltd is here to help you every step of the way.
We start by conducting a thorough assessment of your household’s energy consumption patterns. By analyzing your electricity bills and understanding your daily usage, we can recommend a battery system with the appropriate capacity and power output to meet your needs. We also take into consideration any 'future proofing' that may be required, this may include the installation of an EV Charger for the future.
If you already have solar panels or another renewable energy setup, we ensure that the battery storage system we recommend is fully compatible.
Our certified and experienced installers ensure that your battery storage system is installed correctly and safely. We follow all industry standards and regulations to provide a reliable and long-lasting solution. Lectec Ltd are MCS Accredited for both Solar PV and Battery Storage Installations
Currently Solar Panel Installations and Home Battery Installations are Zero Rated VAT. This is the case if you have them combined or as individual installations. Please contact us to check eligibility and confirmation.
Unfortunately this does not relate to Business clients.
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